Dr. West’s behaviour is unacceptable, unprofessional and a clear case of sexual abuse of a patient because he made sexualized comments and touched a patient in a sexual way. This is sexual abuse of a patient as defined by the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA).
Nursing students are not members registered to practice under the RHPA and therefore not regulated by the CNO. Because of this, Barrie does not have a legal/duty to report the sexual abuse he witnessed. However, he has witnessed a criminal act and this is a very serious matter. He is a student and is learning the principles of professionalism and altruism. He should report this to his superiors and seek guidance on how to report this situation, given the risk Dr. West presents to current and future patients. In addition, it would be wise for Barrie to review the guidelines and policies provided by his nursing school.
When Barrie informed Andy about Dr. West sexually abusing a patient while she was sedated, Andy is bound by the mandatory reporting obligations in the RHPA. The RHPA requires that, “when a nurse has reasonable grounds, obtained in the course of practicing the profession, to believe that another nurse or regulated health professional has sexually abused a patient, the nurse must file a report in writing with the Registrar of the College to which the alleged abuser belongs”. The Code indicates that the member has 30 days to file a report, though if there is a continued risk to patients the report should be filed immediately. The nurse reporting alleged sexual abuse is not required to have witnessed the abuse themselves. Instead, it requires that the nurse have reasonable grounds to suspect sexual abuse of the patient. Barrie’s account constitutes reasonable grounds to believe the abuse occurred. Andy is expected to report the incident. If he doesn’t report, Andy could face a fine of not more than $50,000.