Have your say

CNO partners with members of the public to support safe nursing care for everyone in Ontario. One way we do this is by asking you what you think about information we develop.

When we create new resources about nursing practice, or propose changes to practice standards, guidelines and by-laws, we will post them here. We invite you to read them and send us your comments. See below for details and deadlines for submitting feedback.

We consider all comments we receive when we create new materials that support safe nursing care.

Current consultations

Comment on proposed changes to the Fees By-Law


CNO approved circulating proposed amendments to the Fees By-Law for a 60-day consultation period as required in the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.

Interjurisdictional Nurse Licensure (INL) is a CNO initiative to help nurses maintain registration in multiple Canadian jurisdictions. INL will promote nurses' ability to practice and support health care systems across Canada. The aim is to improve workforce mobility by reducing the administrative burden on nurses. INL will facilitate movement of nurses across jurisdictional borders while maintaining safe and competent nursing practice. Learn more about INL.

Proposed by-law changes

To support the implementation of INL, CNO has proposed changes to our Fees By-Law. No new fees are being proposed. Rather, the proposed changes would enable an interjurisdictional nurse registrant who registers with CNO as their “host jurisdiction” to receive a 25% rebate of their annual fee. The host jurisdiction is the jurisdiction where the nurse holds a secondary registration but does not reside in that jurisdiction. This rebate would start in the 2025 calendar year and continue in subsequent years. CNO Council approved these draft changes at its March 2025 meeting.

We want your feedback

Please complete this survey to share your feedback on the by-law changes to support the implementation of INL.

We will provide Council with a summary of the consultation feedback in June 2025. Your responses are anonymous and confidential. CNO will only share aggregate results and anonymized verbatim quotes. Council will then decide whether to approve the by-law changes.

How to complete the survey
  1. Review the proposed changes listed below
  2. Complete the survey

It should take about five minutes to finish the survey. The survey is available from Thursday, March 20, 2025, to Thursday, May 22, 2025.

Proposed changes to By-law No.2: Fees
Adding to section 1.01

“home jurisdiction” means the Canadian jurisdiction in which the nurse physically resides for the purposes of income taxes, and in which the nurse is registered to practice in the same category. If this definition cannot be applied for any reason, “home jurisdiction” will be defined as the Canadian jurisdiction in which the nurse is registered to practice in the same category and in which they practice most often;

“host jurisdiction” means one or more jurisdictions where a nurse is registered in the same category, in addition to their home jurisdiction;

“interjurisdictional registrant” refers to a member registered in Ontario as one of their host jurisdictions in the same category as their home jurisdiction;

Adding to section 5.06

For the 2025 calendar year and subsequent years, a member registered as an interjurisdictional registrant in the General or Extended class shall be entitled to receive a rebate each year equal to 25% of the annual fees paid in respect of that year.