Registration Guide - Ontario Graduates




All applicants to CNO must successfully complete the registration examination that Council approved for the category they are applying to.

Both exams consist of a series of questions designed to measure the competencies of nurses at the start of their practice. 

If you are applying to practice as an RN, you will write the NCLEX-RN

If you are applying to practice as an RPN, you will write the REx-PN.

Both tests consist of a series of questions designed to measure the competencies of nurses at the start of their practice. Both tests must be written at a designated testing facility within Canada.

Jurisprudence Examination

In addition to the registration exam, you must successfully complete a separate jurisprudence exam designed to evaluate your knowledge and understanding of the laws, regulations, and College by-laws, practice standards and guidelines that govern the nursing profession in Ontario.

The RN/RPN Jurisprudence Exam is written online and can be completed at any time. Once you have submitted your application form and fees, you will receive information about how to access the secure testing site.

You must provide an email address to the College to receive information about your jurisprudence exam. This email address must be unique to you (i.e., it cannot be a shared address with other applicants to the College).

Visit our Examinations section for more about the registration and jurisprudence exams, including fees, refund policies and special accommodation requests.