Starting April 1, 2025, the nursing education requirements for RN and RPN applicants wanting to practice in Ontario will change.

In Ontario, you must show evidence that you completed a nursing program designed to prepare you for the category of nursing (RN or RPN) you want to practice in. 



Most RN and RPN applicants will meet the minimum education requirement by

  • completing a CNO-approved nursing program 
  • completing a nursing program that is recognized or approved in any jurisdiction and is substantially equivalent to a CNO-approved nursing program


“Substantially equivalent” means applicants educated outside of Ontario have received nursing education that provides them with the nursing knowledge, skills and judgment to enter practice in Ontario.

What does this mean to me?

If you completed a nursing program in Ontario approved by CNO, you will meet the education requirement. 

If you graduated from a nursing program in another jurisdiction, and it meets the required credentials (baccalaureate or diploma), you will meet the education requirement. If you do not meet the required credentials, CNO will assess your nursing education to determine if it is substantially equivalent. If you still do not meet the requirement, we will provide you with options so you can meet it. 

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