The following information applies to the new requirements needed for applicants to meet the nursing education requirement to practice in Ontario. These requirements take effect April 1, 2025.
Applicants show their nursing knowledge, skill and judgment by meeting the entry-level competencies applicable to the type of nurse (RN or RPN) they want to register as.
When CNO considers your application, we look at the following:
- your original nursing program
- any additional nursing courses or programs you may have completed
We assess these to determine if the totality of your nursing education sufficiently meets substantial equivalency.
“Substantially equivalent” means applicants educated outside of Ontario have received nursing education that provides them with the nursing knowledge, skills and judgment to enter practice in Ontario.
If your education is substantially equivalent, you will become eligible to write the registration exam.
If your education is not substantially equivalent, you will be provided with options to demonstrate substantial equivalence and can choose to complete another assessment or complete additional nursing education.
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