This new Discontinuing or Declining to Provide Care standard replaces the Refusing Assignments and Discontinuing Nursing Services practice guideline. Why was the guideline replaced?
The Refusing Assignments and Discontinuing Nursing Services guideline was retired in August 2023 as it no longer aligned with current nursing practice realities and was reliant on retired standards. The guideline was replaced by an interim practice resource on while CNO developed a new practice standard.
Why was the document converted from a guideline to a practice standard?
The previous guideline was converted to a practice standard to provide a stronger regulatory framework for nurses to understand their accountabilities when discontinuing or declining to provide care. The decision was informed by legal consultations, and a review of practice inquiries CNO received from nurses about the practice challenges they face in their day-to-day work. For example, the new standard helps to clarify nurses’ accountabilities concerning client safety, violence and abuse, which were not adequately addressed in the previous guideline.
How is the content different?
CNO adopted a broad principle-based framework that sets out clear accountabilities that align with expectations found in the Code of Conduct and the professional misconduct regulations under the Nursing Act, 1991. This framework will help nurses navigate challenging practice situations they may face. This streamlined approach moved away from case scenarios to create a standard focused on principles and accountabilities for nurses.
How will CNO support nurses in applying this new standard to their practice setting?
CNO is developing resources to support nurses in understanding their accountabilities when discontinuing or declining to provide care. The resources, such as FAQs and Ask Practice Q&As, will help nurses apply the standard to specific situations or contexts. These additional resources will be informed by feedback and inquiries received from nurses and systems partners as it relates to understanding and applying the new standard. CNO continues to offer practice support through our CNO Practice Consultants via our website or email at
Will there be an information webinar to learn more about this new practice standard?
Yes, we will have webinars on June 26 at 12 p.m. and June 27 at 7 p.m. for nurses to learn more about the new standard and ask their questions. Learn more about the webinars.