How do I improve a client’s experience in my practice?
Asking yourself, “What’s best for the client?” and involving the client in their care needs is a key part of improving their experience.
Client-centred care is an essential component of health care. In client-centred care, nurses consider clients’ individual needs and preferences, and ensure clients are active participants in all aspects of their health care decisions.
While it is up to the client to determine what course of action they will take, it’s critical the client is fully informed and understands the procedures or care they are about to receive.
Nurses help clients by providing clear and timely information and talking to them in ways they understand. If a client doesn’t understand what is happening, or is uncertain or unhappy with the care they are receiving, nurses respond by working with clients to resolve their concerns.
There may be occasions where there are delays or gaps affecting client care. When this happens, it is important for nurses to explain the reasons for these delays.
When nurses keep clients at the centre of their health care journey and support them at every step of the way, the therapeutic nurse-client relationship benefits. There is also a lasting positive outcome on their client experience.
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