No. Learning activities are ongoing throughout the year and do not need to be completed before the submission deadline. Your outlined activities need to be relevant and specific to your learning goal.

Learning Plan: Learning goals are not specific to the member’s own learning needs. Members forget to include a principle from the Code of Conduct that aligns with their learning goal.

Code of Conduct Practice Activity: The examples provided are generalized or hypothetical; they do not provide an example from a member’s own practice on how the member personally demonstrated the selected Code of Conduct principles.

NP Case Example Activity: Under Section 2, Health Assessment, members do not provide clear rationale for why they ask clients specific assessment questions. Please see page 8 of your Quality Assurance Assessment Guide and page 4 of the NP Case Example Completion Guide for the evaluation criteria.

The principles of the Code of Conduct apply to nurses in all practice settings and roles, including those that do not provide direct patient care. You can choose principles for your examples that relate specifically to your role.

If you maintain registration in the General or Extended Class, you are required to participate in QA Assessment. Only nurses in the Non-Practising Class are exempt from QA Assessment.

Please contact the QA Team and we’d be happy to discuss your situation further.

After the submission deadline, the Peer Coach will review your activities. You will be notified when a copy of the completed Peer Coach report is available for you to review in your SharePoint folder. The results and recommendations from the report are submitted to the QA Committee which meets monthly, to review recommendations, and determine whether you can exit the program or if additional information is required. You will receive a decision letter from QA Committee in your SharePoint folder within 14 days of the QA Committee meeting.

The QA Team would be happy to provide technical support. Please contact us at or 416-963-3922 (1 800 387-5526 ext. 3922).