On December 5, 2024, CNO approved that as of April 1, 2025, the policy related to the NCLEX exam being used as an evaluation mechanism to meet education requirement will no longer be in effect. This change is because of the updated education requirements for nursing registration that will take effect on April 1, 2025.


Schedule your appointment by contacting Pearson VUE, the exam administrator.

Here are the steps:

  1. Review the College of Nurses of Ontario's registration requirements and apply to CNO. (If you are an internationally educated nurse, you will apply to CNO after the National Nursing Assessment Service has completed its assessment and informed you of next steps.)
  2. Wait to hear from CNO that you are eligible to write the NGN.
  3. After CNO notifies you that you are eligible, go to Pearson VUE’s NGN registration page to register.
  4. When you are ready to write, pay the required registration fee to Pearson Vue.
  5. Wait to receive your Authorization to Test from Pearson Vue.
  6. Once you have received your Authorization to Test, go to Pearson VUE’s NGN sign in page to schedule your writing time.

Submit any requests for accommodation and supporting documents to CNO before booking your exam time with Pearson VUE. Visit Requesting Accommodations.

Be sure to give Pearson VUE the same name you provided to CNO when applying for registration. The name you give to CNO and Pearson VUE must match the identification you present at the test centre when you arrive to write the exam. A difference in the name you provide could delay your testing.

Ontario's permanent test centres are located in Hamilton, London, Ottawa and Toronto. Temporary test centres are in Sudbury, Thunder Bay and Windsor. Temporary test centres are also set up in different locations throughout the year. Visit Pearson VUE's website for more information.

No. You can write the NGN at any Pearson VUE test centre that offers the exam. However, there is an additional fee if you write the exam outside of Canada or the U.S. See the "International Scheduling" section of the NGN Candidate Bulletin.


We encourage you to schedule your exam as soon as you receive your Authorization to Test (ATT) from Pearson Vue because it is valid for a limited time. Do not wait until your ATT is close to expiration to schedule your exam or you may have to reregister and pay another exam fee. It is also important to locate your test site because they can fill up quickly. CNO is not responsible for the fees you pay to the exam provider.

Yes. Your Ontario nursing education should prepare you to write the NGN because the exam tests competencies that nurses need at the beginning of their nursing careers in Ontario.

Test Plans provide information about the exam structure, content areas and administration. The NCLEX Practice Exam (NPE) helps candidates prepare for the NCLEX by providing an exam similar to the one they’ll take on test day. It’s comprised of previously used NCLEX questions. The NPE is available in English for the NGN and NCLEX-PN, as well as a French version for the NGN. More information can be found here.

You should also familiarize yourself with the exam's computer-adaptive format.

See the full list of NGN resources.

Your nursing education and the resources above should be enough to prepare you for the NGN. Third-party vendors offer NGN preparation courses, but they are not associated with, or endorsed by, CNO. Since no third party has access to the NGN question bank, exam writers should be wary of any party claiming to have such access. We are aware of “American” content in some preparation courses. However, the exam does not test your knowledge of a particular health care system, history or legislation.


For information about Pearson VUE’s test centres and what you can expect on the day of your exam, read the “The Day of the Exam” section in the NGN Candidate Bulletin.

CNO will send you your exam results through the message centre of the online application portal. In most cases, we send results within one week of writing the exam.


There is no limit to the number of times you can write the NGN until you pass. Each time you are not successful, Pearson VUE will send you a Candidate’s Performance Report (CPR). This document provides information about how you did in each section of the exam, indicating whether you performed above, near or below the passing standard. Find more information about CPRs on NCSBN’s website.

Review the list of NGN resources.

There is no limit to the number of times you can write the NGN until you pass. You can take the NCLEX once in any 45-day period (up to a maximum of eight times per year). However, you will also need to meet all other requirements to become registered to practice as a nurse in Ontario.

Yes. If you meet the exam eligibility requirements, there is no limit to the number of times you can rewrite the NGN. To do so, apply to CNO. CNO will assess your application to determine if you meet the requirements for registration. You will still have to pass the exam and meet the other requirements for registration.

CNO is sending letters to those who are eligible to have their application re-opened. If you would like CNO to re-open your application, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • You met the current program requirement, which took effect on January 1, 2013
  • You wrote and failed the NCLEX-RN on, or after, January 1, 2015
  • The College's Registration Committee previously refused your application for registration as an RN, after you failed the registration exam the third time on, or after, January 1, 2015
  • The College receives your Request to Reopen My RN form within 60 days of the date on your letter

If you qualify for and choose to have your application re-opened, you will not have to pay a new application fee if you make your request within 60 days of the date on your letter.

If you do not qualify to have your application re-opened, you may consider reapplying with a new application. (If you are an internationally educated nurse, you will need to begin your application process with the NNAS). You will still be required to pass the exam and meet all other requirements to be registered to practice as a nurse in Ontario.

You do not need to complete a new nursing program to reapply. The College will determine if your education meets program expectations.

Yes. If you meet the exam eligibility requirements, you can write the NGN. There is no limit to the number of times you can write this exam.

First, re-apply to CNO. CNO will determine if you meet the current requirements for registration. You will still have to pass the exam and meet the other requirements for registration.

You do not need to complete a new nursing program to re-apply. CNO will determine if your education program meets expectations.

You can take the NGN once in any 45-day period (up to a maximum of eight times per year).

Content and Format

The NGN does not test everything that is taught during a four-year baccalaureate nursing program. Rather, the NGN tests entry-level skills, knowledge and judgment – what nurses need to know to provide safe care at the beginning of their careers. For example, it asks questions about pain management, medication administration, basic care and comfort, infection control, health promotion and maintenance, and concepts such as maintaining confidentiality of patient information.

In addition, all drug names are generic and refer to medications that entry-level nurses are expected to know. Measurements are provided in metric.

No. The NGN does not test knowledge of health care systems, history, cultural issues, or government policy and laws. Not only do such items vary by province and territory in Canada, they vary across the U.S. While nurses have to know about the health care system they work in, including its legislation, testing for that knowledge is not the purpose of the NGN.

Applicants to CNO write a Jurisprudence Exam that tests for this knowledge.

Yes. Canadian nurses, including clinical educators, review the content of the NGN. They continue to review and develop the exam to ensure it meets our needs as regulators and the needs of the public for safe nursing care.

Computer-adaptive testing (CAT) is the format of the NGN. CAT programs determine the level of difficulty of questions they present to writers, based on how well writers responded to the preceding question. For example, if a writer responds correctly to a question of medium difficulty, the next question will be slightly more difficult. This video provides you with more information about the CAT format of the NGN.

There is no set number of questions. It depends on how long it takes the algorithm to determine whether the writer is consistently performing above, or below, passing level. The fewest number of scored questions needed to determine this is 70; the most is 135.

The process of developing the French version of the NGN is rigorous. Canadian translators use federal government-level standards to translate the questions. Translations are reviewed by Canadian nurses who are fluent in French and English, and who work in bilingual health care settings or facilities. Any items they do not approve are removed from the French version. You can access Lexicon terms here.

All items that appear on an English version of the exam at any given period have been translated into French. We have not translated all items in the exam bank, which number in the thousands. This method ensures both versions have identical items and measurements.


As Ontario’s nursing regulator, CNO is accountable for ensuring that it grants registration only to those who demonstrate the nursing knowledge to provide safe care.

Registration exams such as the NGN contribute to patient safety. The NGN tests whether the writer has the knowledge, skill and judgment to provide safe care during their first year of practice. As the provincial regulator of the nursing profession, we are accountable for ensuring that only those who demonstrate the ability to apply nursing knowledge and provide safe care are able to practice in Ontario.