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QA Assessment - What you need to know to complete Part A

This section applies to you if you have been selected to complete Part A.

Part A has three (3) required learning modules to complete and several key questions to answer, to ensure your understanding. The topics covered are:

  • Quality Assurance
  • Nursing Regulation in Ontario
  • Professionalism in Nursing 

After you confirm your understanding by completing Part A’s three learning modules you will receive a certificate. You may print this certificate for your records before you exit the platform. 

If you do not complete Part A, the QA Committee may direct you to complete Part B: Practice Assessment. Part B requires you to complete and submit a learning plan plus other activities used to assess your nursing practice. You will be sent more information on how to complete Part B if you are required to do so.

Getting Started

Begin your assessment by logging in to the Maintain Your Membership (MYM) portal with the email and password used for your Annual Membership Renewal.

Once logged in, scroll down to ‘My QA’ and click ‘Complete QA Assessment’. This link brings you to a secure website to access the QA Platform. Please follow the prompts to complete your QA Assessment. 

The following guides are available to help you navigate through the Part A Assessment process:

Our QA team is also available to support you throughout this process. If you have any questions, require additional support or are unable to complete your assessment, please contact us via email at QAassessment@cnomail.org or call 416-963-3922 or toll-free at 1-800-387-5526, ext. 3922. Occasionally, an extension may be granted for extenuating circumstances. 

Completing QA Assessment is your legislative accountability and helps improve client safety and protect the public. This shared goal is important to all of us, and we thank you for your continued support and dedication to safe nursing practice.




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Page last reviewed April 08, 2024