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Search results for: find a nurse

  • Beginning Your Application

    The registration process begins when you open an account with the National Nursing Assessment Service, the national body that begins the initial document collection and assessment of all internationally educated nurses who want to work in Canada.

  • Inscription initiale - International

    Une fois que vous aurez répondu à tous les critères d’admissibilité, dont la réussite aux examens d’agrément et de jurisprudence, l’Ordre vous enverra le formulaire d’inscription initiale.

  • Contrôle de l’adhésion

    « Contrôle de l’adhésion » est un service offert par l’OIIO aux employeurs, exploitants d’établissements, ou à quiconque devant effectuer un contrôle rapide et efficace du statut d’adhésion des infirmières employées à temps plein, à temps partiel, à titre occasionnel ou contractuel. Il s’agit d’une solution alternative efficace à...

  • Confidentiality and Privacy – Case Studies Webcast Slides

  • Highlights

      A pair of reminders – make sure to keep your contact details up-to-date, and nurses in three districts are eligible to vote.   

  • Make sure to renew membership, as deadline approaches

    CNO’s Annual Membership Renewal (AMR) is well underway, with just over two weeks until the deadline. All nurses in Ontario are required to renew their registration for 2023 by 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022. It doesn't take long to renew: The average time is just over 10 minutes... 

  • Summarized Decisions

    The following decisions and reasons of the Discipline Committee are published as a requirement of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. They help educate nurses and inform the public about what constitutes professional misconduct and incompetence. They also provide direction to nurses on practice standards and professional behaviour if they...

  • L’Ordre approuve la formation sur la prescription de médicaments par les IA et les normes d’exercice sécuritaires

    Le 6 décembre 2023, le Conseil de l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers de l’Ontario (OIIO) a approuvé les programmes de formation sur la prescription de médicaments par les infirmières autorisées (IA) et une nouvelle norme d’exercice Prescription de médicaments par les infirmières autorisées (IA) afin d’appuyer la mise en œuvre sécuritaire de la...

  • IENs want more exam prep time: CNO survey

    Toronto, Ont. Sept. 1, 2022 – The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) protects the public by promoting safe nursing practice. This includes registering nurses who have the knowledge, skill and judgment to practice safely in Ontario, whether educated in Canada or internationally. One requirement of registration is successfully completing a nursing...

  • Practical Nursing (PN) Programs

    To register as a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) in Ontario, applicants must graduate from a CNO-approved College of Applied Arts and Technology that grants a diploma in practical nursing. For a complete list of Ontario colleges that offer approved practical nursing programs, click on the link above.

Page last reviewed September 28, 2010