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Update on interjurisdictional registration

The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) protects the public by promoting safe nursing practice. This includes registering nurses with the knowledge, skill and judgment to practice safely in Ontario.  

On July 24, 2023, the Ministry of Health approved legislative amendments to enable inter-jurisdictional mobility for nurses and select registered health professionals outlined in Bill 60, Your Health Act. Employers hiring under Bill 60, are encouraged to notify CNO of new hires.

The Ministry recently released a guidance document for potential applicants and employers wanting more information about this initiative. Under these regulations, applicants are required to register with CNO within six months of beginning practice in Ontario. However, CNO has implemented new options to enable eligible labour mobility applicants to register within days.

“Registration with CNO is an important step for public protection,” says Angela McNabb, CNO’s Manager, Registration Modernization. “Our changes to labour mobility ensure nurses have met the requirements and have the knowledge, skill and judgment to safely practice in our province. It also expedites the registration process for qualified applicants and makes it easier for employers to verify a nurses’ eligibility to practice.”

CNO continues its efforts to register as many nurses as possible in Ontario. That includes working with the government and other health system partners on initiatives to support additional health care workers in Ontario. 

Page last reviewed October 03, 2023