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Mark Ramos, 0306977

The Member admitted that he sexually abused a patient by sending the patient sexually suggestive text messages. The Member further admitted that he engaged in a personal relationship with the patient and that he failed to establish or maintain the boundaries of the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship when he engaged in personal communications with the patient by text message, met the patient in person at a bar, and inappropriately communicated diagnostic information to the patient by text message.

Based on the Member’s admissions, the Panel found the Member:

  • contravened a standard of practice of the profession or failed to meet the standards of practice of the profession;
  • sexually abused a patient;
  • verbally and emotionally abused a patient; and
  • engaged in conduct, relevant to the practice of nursing, that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable and unprofessional.

The College of Nurses of Ontario (“CNO”) and the Member presented the Panel with a Joint Submission on Order requesting that the Panel make an order that included the following:

  • an oral reprimand;
  • an 18-month suspension; and
  • terms, conditions and limitations, including:
    • attending a minimum of 2 meetings with a Regulatory Expert; and
    • employer notification for 24 months.

The Panel accepted the Joint Submission on Order, concluding that the proposed penalty was reasonable and in the public interest. 

Aggravating factors considered by the Panel included:

  • the Member’s conduct was serious and intentional;
  • the Member’s conduct showed a disregard for his professional obligations;
  • the Member exploited his position of trust for his own needs and for personal gratification;
  • the Member repeatedly sent text messages to the patient to build a relationship with her; and
  • the patient was seriously ill and highly vulnerable; she had a life-threatening illness and a problem with alcohol misuse.

Mitigating factors considered by the Panel included:

  • the Member has no prior disciplinary history with CNO; and
  • the Member pled guilty to certain allegations and agreed to the Agreed Statement of Facts and the Joint Submission on Order.
Page last reviewed June 17, 2022