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Ryan Petsura, AH010750


The Member admitted that he engaged in professional misconduct when he harassed and/or sexually harassed three co-workers. On one occasion, the Member shared an explicit, detailed story about a sexual encounter. He later asked the co-worker to share a sexual story in return. During a conversation with another co-worker, the Member stated words to the effect of, “oh God … you’re young … I should not be talking to you”. While acting as a nursing student’s preceptor, the Member made several comments and behaved in a manner that made the student uncomfortable, such as brushing up against her.

Discipline Committee’s Findings

Based on the Member’s admissions, a panel of the Discipline Committee of the College of Nurses of Ontario (the “Panel”) found that the Member:

  • contravened a standard of practice of the profession or failed to meet the standards of practice of the profession; and
  • engaged in conduct, relevant to the practice of nursing, that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as dishonourable and unprofessional.

Discipline Committee’s Order

The College of Nurses of Ontario (“CNO”) and the Member presented the Panel with a Joint Submission on Order requesting that the Panel make an order that included the following:

  • an oral reprimand;
  • a 2-month suspension; and
  • terms, conditions and limitations including:
    • attending at least 2 meetings with a Regulatory Expert; and
    • employer notification for 12 months.

The Panel accepted the Joint Submission on Order, concluding that the proposed penalty was reasonable and in the public interest. 

The Panel found that the Member knew or ought to have known that his conduct was offensive, embarrassing, humiliating and/or demeaning. However, the Panel also considered that the Member cooperated with the CNO and accepted responsibility by agreeing to the facts and the Joint Submission on Order.

Page last reviewed December 13, 2022