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Titi Diavita, AD078008


The Member admitted that he engaged in professional misconduct. On four occasions in June and July 2019, the Member used a patient’s debit card to make purchases at the LCBO for personal use totaling $231.40.

When the Member was criminally charged in relation to this conduct, he failed to report the charges to the College of Nurses of Ontario (“CNO”). The criminal charges were withdrawn after the Member completed a Direct Accountability Program.

Discipline Committee’s Findings

Based on the Member’s admissions, a panel of the Discipline Committee of the College of Nurses of Ontario (the “Panel”) found that the Member:

  • contravened a standard of practice of the profession or failed to meet the standards of practice of the profession;
  • misappropriated property from a client or workplace;
  • contravened a term, condition or limitation on the member’s certificate of registration; and
  • engaged in conduct or performed an act, relevant to the practice of nursing, that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable, and unprofessional.

Discipline Committee’s Order

The CNO and the Member presented the Panel with a Joint Submission on Order requesting that the Panel make an order that included the following:

  • an oral reprimand;
  • a 3-month suspension; and
  • terms, conditions and limitations including:
    • attending at least 2 meetings with a Regulatory Expert;
    • employer notification for 24 months; and
    • no independent practice for 18 months.

The Panel accepted the Joint Submission on Order, concluding that the proposed penalty was reasonable and in the public interest. The Panel noted that the Member cooperated with the CNO and accepted responsibility by agreeing to the facts and the proposed order.

The Panel further stated that the order demonstrates that financial abuse of vulnerable older adults will not be tolerated by the profession.


Page last reviewed May 09, 2023