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Amber-Lee Johnston, 0186809


The Member admitted that she engaged in professional misconduct. While working on an inpatient mental health unit, the Member and other nursing staff required assistance from security staff to restrain a patient. During the interaction with the patient, the Member indicated that she experienced the physiological effects of fear and felt she lacked sufficient support from the other nurses in addressing the situation. However, the Member did not leave the room or advise her colleagues she could not safely provide care to the patient.

While applying a shoulder restraint to the patient, the Member used improper techniques and excessive force by placing her foot against the patient’s bed while tightening the restraint. Discolouration of the patient’s arm was visible after the Member applied the restraint. When a security guard suggested to the Member that the restraint should be loosened, the Member initially dismissed the concern. Security and nursing staff, including the Member, subsequently re-entered the room and loosened the strap, then removed and re-applied it.

Discipline Committee’s Findings

Based on the Member’s admissions, a panel of the Discipline Committee of the College of Nurses of Ontario (the “Panel”) found that the Member:

  • contravened a standard of practice of the profession or failed to meet the standards of practice of the profession;
  • abused a patient physically; and
  • engaged in conduct or performed an act, relevant to the practice of nursing, that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as unprofessional.

Discipline Committee’s Order

The College of Nurses of Ontario (“CNO”) and the Member presented the Panel with a Joint Submission on Order requesting that the Panel make an order that included the following:

  • an oral reprimand;
  • a 3-month suspension; and
  • terms, conditions and limitations including:
    • attending 2 meetings with a Regulatory Expert; and
    • employer notification for 12 months.

The Panel accepted the Joint Submission on Order, concluding that the proposed order was reasonable and in the public interest. It sends a strong message to the Member and the membership as a whole that such conduct will not be tolerated.

Page last reviewed January 31, 2024