On This Page

Controlled Substances: Resources and References

The purpose of this page is to support safe nursing practice through sharing evidence-informed resources to inform clinical decision-making and ensure patients receive safe, effective and ethical care.

When determining what sources of information are most appropriate to inform your nursing practice, use your clinical judgment to assess the individual care needs of each patient, the appropriateness of the nursing practice and the practice environment you are working in. 

To find a withdrawal management centre in your community, call at 1 800 565-8603

Opioid Substitution Therapies Drug Information Line 
Call 1 888 519-6069. Phone line is open Monday to Friday, 0900 hours – 1700 hours.

Government Of Canada – Health Canada

Canadian Research Initiative In Substance Misuse (CRISM)

Health Quality Ontario

Ontario Ministry Of Health





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Page last reviewed February 16, 2023