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Chief Nursing Officer visits CNO

Discussion focused on health care leadership

The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) welcomed Chief Nursing Officer of Canada Dr. Leigh Chapman to its offices on June 15.

“It was an honour to host Dr. Chapman and discuss shared priorities and the many ways CNO can play a leadership role advancing safe nursing practice,” said Silvie Crawford, CNO’s Executive Director and CEO.

The Chief Nursing Officer of Canada has a unique mandate to support and connect the nursing profession from coast to coast to coast—as a leader in healthcare regulation, CNO recognizes the power of collaboration on shared goals.

“Working together, we have an opportunity to further strengthen the health care system, nursing regulation and public safety,” added Crawford.

Chapman’s visit focused on areas of shared interest, national and provincial priorities as well as meeting with CNO’s leadership and staff that bring regulation to life.

“Nurse regulators play a critical and unique role in each province and territory in Canada,” said Chapman. “By connecting with other regulators and drawing on CNO's knowledge, I aim to collaborate with regulators to enhance patient safety across the country.”

She also emphasized the importance of collaboration in the current health system context and public demands. "Working together is crucial now more than ever," she said.

Discussion subjects between the health care leaders included:

  • the resolute commitment to public safety by promoting safe nursing practice
  • demonstrating how CNO data about the nursing profession in Ontario is widely available, to promote transparency and inform decision-making
  • advancing the labour mobility discussion while maintaining standards for patient safety
  • fostering regulatory best practices 
  • demonstrating CNO’s successes regulating all classes of nurses to the Chief Nursing Officer and other regulators

CNO and the Chief Nursing Office of Canada look forward to continued collaborative efforts in informing and impacting nursing regulation.  

“With shared values and a commitment to leadership in healthcare regulation, we look forward to working together to make a difference in public safety,” said Crawford.


Page last reviewed June 23, 2023