One Is One Too Many

One is One Too Many logoOne Is One Too Many is a valuable tool for any organization employing nurses that is concerned about issues involving client abuse. It was created by the College in response to a government directive that all health colleges provide member education about abuse.

The One is One Too Many program provides powerful re-creations of situations in which abuse occurs, as well as guides and materials to facilitate discussion about what tools nurses need to stop abuse. 

Topics include:

  • Dealing with challenging situations
  • Recognizing and responding to abuse
  • Plus many other valuable abuse prevention practices 

The complete One is One Too Many program includes:


Full Program

 One is one too many (25:25)




Introduction (5:46)


Neglect (3:37)


Financial Abuse (4:06)


Verbal Abuse (3:13)


Physical Abuse (3:58)


Sexual Abuse (1:48)


Conclusion (2:59)


Related Links 




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Page mise à jour le janvier 12, 2021