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Making SPEP permanent in Ontario budget

CNO strongly supports the Ontario government’s investment in nursing, specifically making the Supervised Practice Experience Partnership (SPEP) permanent, as recently announced in the provincial budget.

We are pleased that an innovative program we developed with Ontario Health and the Ministry of Health will become permanent, helping more nurses become registered into Ontario’s health care system. The SPEP program helps applicants more efficiently meet the registration requirements. It does this by matching applicants with employers so they can participate in a supervised practice experience.

As of March 29, 2024, we have matched 4,230 applicants with employers, enabling 3,324 nurses to register with CNO and provide safe care to Ontarians. These numbers continue to grow as we engage with partners and government to implement the program into the system.  

The government’s commitment to expanding nursing enrolment in colleges and universities will also help strengthen the profession. As the organization that sets the requirements for becoming a nurse and approves nursing programs in Ontario, CNO is pleased to be a key player along with our partners in education, to help address the need for more nurses.  

CNO continues to partner with others for positive system changes, and is committed to working with government to support the health care system. 

Page last reviewed avril 03, 2024